Fix CPU Fan Problem | How To Repair CPU Fan Problem | Aide Anand

Fix CPU Fan Problem | How To Solve CPU Fan Problem.

Fix CPU Fan problems, CPU fan not working.

How to fix CPU Fan Problems ?

1. CPU Fan not working-

CPU Fan not working means , it will not spin properly. Some time it spin or stop for few movement or spin very slowly, then you will decide to change with new one or try to repair it with the help of mechanic. Mechanic will take more money to repair it. 
Some cases it will totally stop. Means it will dead. You want to replace if it will dead. But if any other problem then you can find out that problem caused.

2. CPU Fan Spin Slowly -

If CPU Fan spin slowly so we can confirm that it is ok but there have some other issue related to fan it self.
You need to sort out this issue or problem at your home. I will explains all problem and how to solve this all kind of problems very easily. Just keep reading my Blog properly.

What is proper reasons to short out this problem. First CPU running well for few minutes and then automatically shutdown after some movement. Why it will shutdown automatically because of over heating of CPU processor. There have some settings in Booting. There is a level of heat percentage of CPU if that will exceed that level so it will automatically switch of your system. So CPU Fan will managed all heating temperature constant with the help of heat shrink material.

Some Steps to solve CpU Fan Problem please follows bellow steps. - 

1. Open CPU Left side cover with remove screws with the help of screwdriver.

Remove CPU Cover

2. See CPU fan cable and remove from motherboard slot.

Unplug CPU fan pin

3. Remove four screws of CPU fan.

Remove CPU fan screws

4. Try to spin CPU fan, is it moving or not smoothly.

5. Catch CPU fan in hand and try to pull only CPU fan single on upward direction. See in image bellow.

6. Then it will divide in to two part rewinding and fan in two parts.

7. Then see inside of fan is there any dust or carbon on fan inner side . If yes then try to clean it

8. For cleaning you can take rough sand paper or any other hard material and try to clean smoothly and remove all dust or carbon.

9. After finish cleaning just fit into to proper position as you remove it previous. But do it smoothly.

10. Before reassemble jast apply heating pest on CPU Processor and then Reassemble it as previous steps.

Then try it will be working well. If then also not working so you want to change with new one.
I appreciate from you that you will understand well How to fix and repair CPU fan Problems.
If you will sort out this issue so please try to comment me . If you have other solution so reply me.

       Author / Blogger  - Anand Kadam


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